
Animations change properties of objects. Animations map input values to output property values.

Kanzi Studio stores animations in the Library > Animations.

In Kanzi you can create keyframe animations that:

In Kanzi keyframe animations are formed using:

Animation sharing and targeting

Animation sharing means that one animation animates several or a group of nodes. All animations in Kanzi are shared. You can reuse Animation Clip and Animation Data resources in different nodes. See Playing keyframe animations.

Target animation takes the animated property’s starting value from the node's current property value and the target value from a designated target node's current property value. To use the target animation set a new value for the target node’s property and start the animation. As the new animation takes its new starting value from the current property value, the animations run smoothly even if launched in the middle of an ongoing animation.

See also

Animation system

Tutorial: Create keyframe animations

Tutorial: Interpolate property values

Creating keyframe animations

Creating animations and timelines using the Kanzi Engine API

Creating property driven animations

Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes

Editing timeline sequences

Editing animation clips

Animations best practices